If you are like me, you read as much as you can about the successes and the failures of people who start home based businesses. The successes are usually inspiring and wildly successful. The failures are usually stories about how someone felt 'scammed' or duped in a home based business, and how it is all lies. I find it really fascinating that for one person a specific home based business program was their ticket to financial success, while the other person had the exact opposite experience. Here's what you should be asking yourself if you are thinking about a home based business program:
Are you really committed to take action?
If you are your odds of failing are minimal. If you believe you WILL be success and that you MUST be successful you very likely will be. Change your thinking, and really see if you can mentally commit to it.
If, on the other hand you are going into a home based business with doubts, or thoughts of it not really working but will give it a try, do not start. Like Yoda from the Star Wars movie says, "Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" It takes real commitment to be successful with a home based business. You first must be mentally commit yourself for success.
Will your friends and family offer support, or will they tell you why you can not succeed?
Although we need to be mentally prepared and ready, many around you will tell you that you will not make it with a home based business. They will tell you that you will fail, and some will actually spend time researching reasons and statistics to support their argument and, intentionally or not, try and create doubt in your mind. My advice is to ignore those people. If you can not ignore them, then just change the subject. If they can not support your home based business plan then you will not convince them until you are successfully making money in it. Ignore them and focus on building your success.
Can you sacrifice some of your spare time to build your home based business?
No matter what anyone tells you, there are no automatic money making programs out there. You need to work at your home based business, just like you would work at anything else of value. Schedule time each week to do the necessary work. If you do not schedule time you will get caught up in your daily routine and eventually will start questioning why you started a home based business in the first place. You may start to get the perspective of the person who I described in the first paragraph who eventually feels that they were duped or scammed.
Remember something, no matter what program or investment you make in a home based business, it is YOUR business and it is up to YOU to be successful. There are a number of good programs that support you, give you the steps, point you to the right tools, but if you do not make yourself accountable with your time, you will fail. Choose to be successful by first scheduling and then spending the time.
Will you try new things?
In a number of home based business programs they will outline things that you have never done before, or may feel uncomfortable doing. If any program suggests that you do something you feel is morally or ethically wrong, definitely DO NOT DO IT. However, some of the things a programs will suggest are things that you may never have done before and you may feel uncomfortable doing. You need to get out of your comfort zone and take the advice and do the things that are outlined for your success. Remember, the home based program that you may have purchased is from someone who does want you to be successful. If it is a reputable program, they will want you to be successful because that is the only way for them to keep growing their business. They suggest these techniques for a reason. They work.
Can you invest financially?
You'll need to create a budget for yourself. It doesn't have to be a lot, but no matter what home business you follow, you will have to spend some money. Work out what you can spend each month and then stick to the budget. By following the budget you will never feel like things are slipping out of control and since you are planning for success you can plan to succeed. If you have access to a simple spreadsheet like Excel that works. Just keep it updated and treat it seriously. Do not exceed your monthly budget without a real good reason.
Can you find a mentor to help you with questions and give you advice?
There are a lot of people out there ready to help. A mentor does not necessarily need to be someone you physically know. A mentor for a home based business may be a support forum, a chat room group for home based businesses, reading success stories and profiles, and even reading articles. We live in a great time in that we have so much access to information. Do not try and start a home based business yourself. Use the different support systems around you to research ideas and techniques. Over time you will end up being the expert.
There are a lot of places to start when considering a home based business. But before you really start in earnest, take an inventory of the questions I have outlined in this article and see if you really are ready to be successful. Do not allow yourself to go on this great journey unprepared. When I began my journey I was fortunate enough to find a program that I feel offers the right guidance and necessary support in order to be successful.